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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Looking for Something to do Every Weekend in New Jersey?

As many of you know who read this blog, I pretty much love just about everything about New Jersey. What many of you might not know is that I spend many of my days sitting in a Barnes and Noble, sipping my Starbucks coffee, while writing.
 Most days I have so much to write I rarely leave my spot near the window, with the exceptions of trips to the bathroom. A side effect of all that coffee. Today, however, was an exception.
 It wasn't like I didn't have plenty to write about, rather I had a job to do from an even higher figure than any of the editors at Yahoo or The mother of my child had instructed me to research several weekend activities, her, I, and our son could all do together.
 Rather than just type some words into Google, I headed for the New Jersey section of the Barnes and Noble. Much to my surprise, there was an impressive selection of books not only on our great state, but things to do in it.
 One book in particular I found to be both very helpful and imformative. "52 Weekends in New Jersey" by Mitch Kaplan, not only gave suggestions on possible activities in the Garden State, but also reviews of what the destination or activity had to offer. I included a link to it through Amazon at a price about $8 less than the bookstore.
 I am already making plans for upcoming weekends based on this book. Click on the link included to check it out. Maybe we'll run into each other in JERZEEBABY.   

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